Calontir Wall Map, 2018 Queen’s Prize

The large, multi-sheet map Calontiriæ Regnum Descriptio depicts the SCA Kingdom of Calontir in the style of sixteenth century cartographers such as Ortellius, Mercator, Speed, and de Jode. Composed of six seperate sheets, the inked-and-painted portions of the map measure a full 4ft x 3ft. It was awarded the Queen’s Prize at the 2018 tournament.

Lilies War XXXII Map

I had the opportunity to design the official map for the 2018 Lilies War. This particular project was one of my first dreams when I returned to the Society and started researching historical cartography. Once I had the go-ahead, I knew exactly what references I wanted to use.

A Map of Forgotten Sea, 2017 Calontir Tri-Levels Judges’ Choice

My interest in cartography was born out of a childhood of Tolkien and RPG maps and only deepened by my study of the Golden Age of Cartography. My map of the Kansas City area’s SCA chapters was drawn to better understand the compositional elements of the great sixteenth century mapmakers. It was so well received that it was awarded the Judges’ Choice at the Calontir 2017 Tri-Levels arts & sciences competition.


Leather-Bound Album Amicorum, 2017 Calontir Tri-Levels Entry

Albums amicorum were yearbooks before yearbooks existed, and even could be considered to fill the same social networking outlet that we use Facebook for in our own day and age. This project was my first attempt at bookbinding, and I chose to use an interesting historic (and persona-relevant) form as one of my entries to the 2017 Tri-Levels arts and sciences competition.